Tuesday, August 14, 2007

All along the watchtower

11g SOON... However I was sitting here and thinking about some of my other passions. I watch almost zero TV. For some reason though, I seem to like Sci-Fi. There are a few shows that have a fond spot in my heart... I'm not one of those guys that walks around in some uniform at some convention, but they do speak to me.

They are:

Battlestar Galactica (the new rendering).... If you didn't catch the season 3 finale, here it is... simply amazing I think... Season 4 will be it's final season, very sad!

Another show with a soft spot in my heart, Babylon 5... Seasons 2-3-4 were during some times of very good, and very tough times. There is a new CD out just now, Babylon 5: Lost Tales. It was just released a couple of weeks ago. The two stories on it are not the best of Babylon 5 but it's nice to see some B5 again. Here is a YouTube link to the trailer:

and another bit on YouTube from the series, the season 3 finale (I love YouTube):

and finally, a campy old show that takes me back to about age five, UFO...Here are the opening credits with what I think is one of the coolest opening theme songs of all time (it *is* CAMPY):

Ok.... so I've bored you with enough personal stuff. Tomorrow something 11g related...

[Edit: misspelling...]

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